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Organisation of a New Year's Eve corporate party 2025. Ideas for a 2025 New Year's Eve event

Original ideas for New Year's Eve party 2025 in Germany. Organisation of the New Year's Eve event 2024/25 in France. Scenario, show and musicians for New Year's Eve corporate party 2025 in Switzerland.

For a professional event organiser or corporate marketing department, the countdown to the New Year Eve begins in the summer. As the Christmas and New Year period is the busiest time for finding contractors, this means competing with other clients for the best locations, shows and artists.
Preparing in advance will save on the event budget, increase the range of options available and give you the opportunity to invite guests to your New Year's Eve party before they commit to celebrating elsewhere.

A properly organised company New Year's Eve party will allow everyone present to immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere, to remember the best moments of the past year and to feel their involvement in new projects in 2025. However, without a creative idea and a stylised show programme, the New Year's Eve event will turn into an ordinary banquet.

Best shows and musicians for the 2025 New Year's Eve event:
- Laser harp show + interactive for guests
- Professional cover band
- Singer in a 3D dress with an original projection

Organisation of New Year's Eve corporate event 2025 in Zurich (Switzerland). New Year's Eve party ideas 2025 in Milan (Italy). The best New Year's Eve shows and artists for events in Geneva, Bern and Basel. Corporate New Year's Eve party 2024-25.

Budget for the 2025 New Year's Eve event

The determining factor in what your event can and will be is your budget. The amount of money you have available for your New Year's Eve party will determine the type of venue, decorations, food, gifts and entertainment.
A small budget is not always a barrier to a successful event. But a small budget means that the creative department, writers and event managers must try to find original solutions with limited options.

Some countries offer tax incentives for money spent on employee entertainment and recreation. In the UK, for example, the limit is around £150 per person per year. If you have not used this limit before your company's New Year's Eve party, you will receive a significant discount.

Depending on its financial resources, a company may hold several New Year's Eve events (in different formats and for different groups of people): for employees, partners and even promotional events for potential customers.
Sometimes several companies (business partners or companies planning a merger) come together to celebrate the New Year`s party. This can have an impact on both the budget and the theme of the event.

Original ideas for New Year's Eve party 2025 in Germany. Organisation of the New Year's Eve event 2024/25 in France. Scenario, show and musicians for New Year's Eve corporate party 2025 in Switzerland.

Date and time of New Year's Eve party 2024

As the festive season approaches, the choices become fewer and the prices higher. This applies not only to venue hire, but also to catering, technical contractors, artists and gifts. Therefore, it is better to choose a date and start organising a New Year's Eve event immediately after the summer holidays (i.e. in September). This will allow you to sign contracts with all the main contractors by October.

A poll in a specially created Messenger group is the surest way to find out which date will suit the most guests. There may be several dates to choose from and a preferred time to hold the party.

As a general rule, most companies hold their New Year's Eve parties between 14 and 30 December, or in the second week of the New Year, as it is difficult and expensive to get everyone together on the night of 31 December.
If your dream is to hold a corporate New Year's Eve party on the last day of the outgoing year, then a daytime event may be an acceptable option. In this case, everyone at your event will be in a good mood and able to able to celebrate with their families in the evening.

If you need to organise a corporate New Year's Eve event on a tight budget, you could consider moving the date of the party to 8-14 December or 10-18 January. Just one week's difference can save up to 30% of your budget. But in your quest for discounts, don't move the date so far away from the New Year's Eve atmosphere that the party is no longer associated with the holiday.

Laser harp show "novaYA" for New Year's Eve events A unique laser show is a perfect addition to any corporate New Year's Eve party.

Who will organise your New Year's Eve party in 2024/25?

There are two main ways to organise a New Year's Eve party event:
1) Write a script with people or collaborators who are close to you in spirit, and then use the search engine to find a location, catering, artists (many surprises, stresses and contradictions await you along the way).
2) Put the event out to tender and choose a professional contractor. This could be an experienced event agency, an advertising agency or the events department of the venue where you want to hold the event. As professional event suppliers are constantly monitoring the market for services, they will be able to offer proven artists and ideas for the concept of your New Year's Eve party. It is true that an independent search can greatly expand the standard list of event agencies.

The most important advice: do not outsource the programme of the company New Year's Eve party to ordinary employees of the company. Such a decision can be justified only if a small company (10-20 employees) is celebrating in its office, or has an experienced event manager on staff. Otherwise, there is a high probability of a fiasco, for which not only the home-grown "showmen" will be blamed, but also the one who came up with this extreme idea.

Organisation of New Year's Eve corporate event 2025 in Zurich (Switzerland). New Year's Eve party ideas 2025 in Milan (Italy). The best New Year's Eve shows and artists for events in Geneva, Bern and Basel. Corporate New Year's Eve party 2024-25

Format, scenario and ideas for the 2025 New Year`s Eve party

With an agreed budget and a team of organisers, you can start the fun part - generating and selecting the ideas that will work best for your company this New Year's Eve.

If you are an international company and can't get everyone together, you can hold a company New Year's Eve party in virtual space (if you have a big budget, you can even use augmented reality glasses that are distributed to employees the night before the event). to employees the night before the event).
Celebrating in virtual space cannot replace the excitement of a real meeting, but it does open up other possibilities. For example, using realistically drawn avatars of all the company's employees, you can take a virtual stroll through a neighbourhood, go on a quest in a virtual museum or throw a party in a space station.
This format of a virtual New Year's Eve event allows you to create an interesting experience of shared communication even for those people who will be on Christmas holidays at that moment.

If your 23/24 New Year's Eve event (like 98% of the world's events) takes place in a real location, with real decorations, food and artists, you can complement it with simple but festive comfort ideas.
Show a video story of the year that is coming to an end, including all the special and enjoyable moments. After all, New Year's Eve is a great time to remember all the good things that have happened in the last 365 days.
You can incorporate some of the traditions of the countries from which some of your employees come into your New Year's Eve programme. For example, the Belgians choose the King of the Evening, the English choose the "Lord of Disorder" and the Micronesians (islands near Australia) choose a new name for the coming year.
If your New Year's party is on 31 December, you can celebrate the New Year several times during the evening with other time zones, with fireworks on the big screen in China, Dubai or London, or with online broadcasts with company offices in other countries.

Original ideas for New Year's Eve party 2025 in Germany. Organisation of the New Year's Eve event 2024/25 in France. Scenario, show and musicians for New Year's Eve corporate party 2025 in Switzerland.

Location for 2025 New Year's Eve party

One of the difficulties in choosing a location is that it may not be the most popular or emotionally appealing. To avoid spending money on something that will not have a positive outcome, we recommend that you take a vote among employees or a key team and let them choose one of the proposed options.

An ideal option for a New Year's Eve event could be a place that no one would have expected: a greenhouse with tropical plants (yes, there are such places in many regions and they can be hired), a pleasure boat with a comfortable banquet hall and dance floor, an old church or mansion (especially common in Europe and the UK), a mini-hotel in a ski resort. In this case, the location itself will make your New Year's Eve party 23/24 unforgettable against the background of other celebrations.

If the aim of your company's New Year's Eve party is to create a quiet, cosy atmosphere in a familiar place (the company's office or a well-known restaurant in the next street), you will have a pleasant bonus in the form of no difficulties with logistics and transfers.
But there are two sides to this choice. Although holding the event on your own premises will save you money on room hire, it will increase the cost of decorating an office and catering off-site.
In any case, your venue should have enough space to comfortably accommodate all the guests, performers and a place for activities or dancing.

You should also discuss with the restaurant or caterer the number of waiters and bartenders who will be working at your New Year's Eve party. For example, a quality banquet service requires one waiter for every 7-10 people and one bartender for every 50 people. This is not only necessary to ensure that guests are served on time, but also because the entertainment programme is sometimes linked to the timing of the food service.

The best live music and cover band for your New Year's Eve party.

Equipment for New Year's Eve party 2025

Make sure your venue has all the necessary equipment (including all the cables and wiring). High-quality sound equipment is usually only available in nightclubs, hotels and some restaurants. If your venue is not one of these, you will need to hire a company that specialises in sound.
If your venue has a non-standard layout or there are technical difficulties, it is advisable to meet with technical representatives in advance.

In large venues, it is better to place sound portals not only near the stage, but also around the perimeter of the hall. This will avoid a situation where one part of the audience is uncomfortable because of the loud sound, while another part of the audience cannot hear it, while the other part of the hall cannot hear anything.
An extra pair of speakers will add surround sound to your New Year's Eve event, balancing the volume and minimising echo from walls and other surfaces.

Organisation of New Year's Eve corporate event 2025 in Zurich (Switzerland). New Year's Eve party ideas 2025 in Milan (Italy). The best New Year's Eve shows and artists for events in Geneva, Bern and Basel. Corporate New Year's Eve party 2024-25

Artists, shows and live music for New Year's Eve party 2024/25

Once you have decided on the location and theme of your company's New Year's Eve party, it will be much easier to choose musicians and acts that will fit in perfectly with the format of the event. For example, a plumbing company once hired a performer who played plastic pipes like percussion instruments. It was a perfect fit for the company.
Another example is a singer with a laser harp who performed at a New Year's Eve party for a company that specialises in medical and cosmetic laser equipment. After the show, some of the guests took part in a masterclass and created their own music using laser beams.

The feeling of a full-fledged corporate New Year's Eve party is created not only by live music or shows, but also by various awards, mini-quests and interviews. But for the integrity of the whole, it is important that all elements of the event interact and complement each other.

Original ideas for New Year's Eve party 2025 in Germany. Organisation of the New Year's Eve event 2024/25 in France. Scenario, show and musicians for New Year's Eve corporate party 2025 in Switzerland.

Costumed and themed New Year's Eve party 2025

A New Year's Eve party is one of the few times you get to see your employees dressed up in unusual outfits. Such a reincarnation is a fun show in itself, and the range of themes to choose from is almost endless: from the familiar Great Gatsby party (in the style of the 20s and 30s), to Brazilian Carnival (with Latin music and dancing), to the Oscars ceremony (with red carpet and film characters), to something more original like the Ugly Sweater Party or the Neon Pool Party.

Singer with 3D projection for any format of New Year's Eve party.

Congratulations and gifts at the company's New Year party in 2024/25

One of the main goals of the New Year's Eve event is to thank the company's employees for their work and completed projects. And since many people associate the New Year with gifts, even inexpensive, original gifts will come in handy.
The cost of gifts at a corporate party depends on the company's internal etiquette. Some companies encourage their best employees with bonuses that are not made public. Other companies prefer to reward employees openly (holidays, laptops, crazy stuff) to encourage other employees. However, if you prefer a simple and pleasant souvenir, it is better not to make the gifts the same for everyone, so as not to be perceived as lacking ideas and indifference. This includes primitive souvenirs with company symbols: mugs, calendars, pens and anything that does not arouse special emotions. Although sometimes any gift from the hands of the company director becomes more than just a gift.

As a rule, the programme of the company's New Year Eve event begins with a congratulatory speech by the head of the company. If guests from other companies are invited to the party, you can limit yourself to a general speech or several short toasts / congratulations from the first people. A New Year's Eve party is not the time for long speeches and serious business matters (there are other days of the year for that).
To make the leader's performance more effective, his or her appearance can be stylised into a party format. Of course, we are not talking about a Santa suit or a reindeer jumper. But any reincarnation will enhance the impression of congratulations and remain in the piggy bank of pleasant memories.

Organisation of New Year's Eve corporate event 2025 in Zurich (Switzerland). New Year's Eve party ideas 2025 in Milan (Italy). The best New Year's Eve shows and artists for events in Geneva, Bern and Basel. Corporate New Year's Eve party 2024-25

Menu for New Year's Eve event 2025

Every party needs food, and enough food to last the duration of the event. The menu and drinks list should be varied - after all, some guests may be vegan or only drink non-alcoholic drinks.
You should also agree with the restaurant or caterer the order in which the food will be served, as this should all tie in with the timing of the entertainment at your New Year's Eve event.

With the help of special banqueting and catering applications (Caterase, CaterPro, CaterPlus, Room Viewer, etc.) you can plan and visualise such aspects of your company's New Year's Eve party as the table layout in your location parameters, decorations, table settings, etc.

Original ideas for New Year's Eve party 2025 in Germany. Organisation of the New Year's Eve event 2024/25 in France. Scenario, show and musicians for New Year's Eve corporate party 2025 in Switzerland.

© Ihor Kuksenko
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