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Interview with music project LAFESTA is published in glossy «TOUCH» magazine (December-January).

Article & interview in Touch magazine about LAFESTA music project, information about live music for event, party, wedding

The music project, which amazed Europe with unique program «Electro Opera» and combination of contrasts: lounge music with opera vocal, electronic styles with the symphony orchestra, is one of the music sights of Ukraine. Stylish music project LAFESTA has visited «TOUCH» magazine.

You introduced unique remix for Ukrainian anthem in November. It has never sounded so delicate in lounge style. Is it a tribute to fashion for all Ukrainian?

No, we made our first remix for Ukrainian national song 4 years ago and certainly we added it in performance program on international music festivals. And during London Olympic games 2012 we were opening telethon «Olympic diary» with a live performance of Ukrainian anthem. In fact our soloist was frequently asked to sing some Ukrainian song on last year concerts in Crimea and Russia. Therefore, intent to make a remix for anthem of our country arose within the requirement for better presentation of Ukrainian culture and style. And this anthem version in lounge & folk style is supposed not for stadiums and delegation greeting, but for nice beginning of a day with a cup of hot tea. So everybody, who hasn’t heard how delicate our anthem can be, type in search engine «Anthem of Ukraine - lounge remix (LAFESTA music project)»

Your songs are used as soundtracks by a modern European TV channel «HD Fashion» and you are the only group in Eastern Europe, performing in «Electro & Lounge Opera» style. Can you tell in detail about this style and its peculiarities?

In spring 2011 we took a decision to perform in our own unique style, which would distinguish our songs from millions of other songs. It was not a goal in itself. Moreover, our soloist (Olga Rossi) has an excellent opera vocal and graduated from National Music Academy. We started experiments with music styles on our studio and our first song in a new style was named exactly the same – Electro Opera. Eventually management of Spanish «City of arts and science» (La ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, Valencia) liked the song so much; therefore, they contributed to making the music clip «Electro opera» on the territory of the city. Saying in a few words, «Electro & Lounge Opera» is a combination of stylish modern music with charming opera vocal.

Sometimes you perform on events accompanying symphonic orchestra. Is it a client’s request or your initiative?

If it concerns music background of corporate party, event or private party, we rely on the wish of a client and budget in issues of performance format, as ordering of orchestra requires additional charge, expanded rider and larger scene. But the way an orchestra completes our modern music, decorates with its presence and exciting picture of the scene is worth invested costs. Especially considering that our symphonic orchestra costs twice as much as the basic group lineup without an orchestra. For instance, in summer we performed on one event in beach «Bora Bora» club. And despite the compact scene and presence of music equipment of other performing groups (Gabin, De-Phazz) on it, we placed rather comfortably with our orchestra there. In cases when concert scene is very tiny and only our lineup can be located on the scene, orchestra is placed on each side or behind the scene.

Who is your audience?

Our audience cannot be related to a certain category of people. Our concerts are visited by PR-managers, students, company managers, dancers and journalists. But listening to lounge, deep-house, funk and modern opera and ability to conceive something more than just pop-hits unites our audience. Intellectual music attracts corresponding audience by itself.

How did the presentation of your last album «Coral Reef» go and where can one buy it?

The most part of songs, included in album «Coral Reef», we presented last year on our large solo concert «Electro Opera» accompanied by symphony orchestra, modern ballet and video projection. The concert took place in Kyiv on the European square (concert hall of «Ukrainian House»). At present time our album is being sold in 94 international resources (including such popular resources, like iTunes, Amazon). We do not support the idea when music album consists of 2-3 good songs, and the rest one are for quantity. Therefore, we are proud of it.

Name LAFESTA means «holiday» in translation form Spanish. Do you have some favourite holidays?

Several years in succession we have performed on all social holidays, that’s why we have a business attitude to them. But among favourites still remain Christian holidays: Christmas and Easter. These days are perfect for being in family circle with the nearest. Particularly we like Christmas and Easter nights. There is a special aura in these days, and even passing-by people seem a little different.